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Category Archives: Health

“Heat rash,” a disease that comes with summer

“Heat rash,” a disease that comes with summer

During hot and humid weather Makes you sweat a lot and gets stuffy easily. thus causing some related diseases with sweat and hot weather especially heat rash which is a common skin disease during the summer Symptoms of heat rash Causes of heat rash Heat

6 groups at risk for "heat stroke," a danger that comes every summer

6 groups at risk for “heat stroke,” a danger that comes every summer

Warning: Be careful of people at risk of heatstroke. Danger from hot weather Be careful of heatstroke patients, especially those in the 6 risk groups. Please take care of your own health and avoid being in the hot sun. What is heatstroke? Dr. Opas Karikawinpong Director-General of the Department

5 dangerous diseases that come with "rain"

5 dangerous diseases that come with “rain”

During heavy rain every day like this Be careful of these rain-borne diseases as well. Prof. Dr. Wasin Laohawinij, resident physician in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, identifies diseases that are often found in the rainy season